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Additional content for "Does universalization ethics justify participation in large elections?"

View the Project on GitHub Konrad982/homo-moralis-turnout-appendix

We provide a link to the GitHub repository that includes the code for the graphics that are included in the paper. We also provide links to interactive plots comparing two families of benefit functions and showing consistent strategies for a wide range of model parameters in our partisan case.

Code for the graphics

The code for generating the graphics in the paper as well as for the interactive plots cited below can be found here: GitHub repository

Interactive plots

The interactive consistent strategies plot for the partisan case with uniform cost can be found here: Heroku App for Uniform Cost

The interactive consistent strategies plot for the partisan case with other-than-uniform cost can be found here: Heroku App for Other Cost

An interactive plot comparing two parametric families of benefit functions can be found here: Heroku App for Benefit Functions


Ingela Alger, Konrad Dierks, Jean-François Laslier